What can’t you live without?

There are things in our lives that we absolutely can’t live without. They are so integral to how we live that the thought of not having them is unthinkable. Here the PD-M team each list one thing they can’t live without…

My vertical mouse

“The one thing I can’t live without at work is my vertical mouse. I spend long hours at the computer using SolidWorks and the normal mouse was giving me hand cramps. A designer friend suggested this ergonomic mouse that you hold at an angle as he said it completely cured his cramps. When I first tried it, the first two days were so weird but now I don’t even think about it anymore. It makes sense as our hands naturally rest in that vertical position. I guess humans weren’t designed to be cramping over a mouse.”

– Pippa Bridges, Product Designer

Dual monitors

“I invested in a second screen for my desktop and this dual monitor setup has been an absolute godsend. It makes life so much easier. And it saves paper because before, being a bookkeeper, if I wanted to have bank statements or spreadsheets I would have to print them off and then go through them. But now I can copy stuff across onto a different screen, highlight something that I've already checked off on the spreadsheet and not have to print it out. It’s been so helpful. So there’s a top tip for others as I genuinely can’t live without it.”

– Julia Van Zelst, Accountant

Joseph Joseph water bottle

“As basic as it is, I can’t live without my water bottle. I don't drink any hot drinks, so to stay hydrated I carry water everywhere with me. Pre-Covid I would just reuse plastic water bottles but then I invested in a Joseph Joseph one, as I really thought I needed to keep on top of how much water I was having each day. The good thing with the Joseph Joseph one is it has a very simple but clever tracking system on the lid. So each time you refill it, the lid displays a new dot so you can keep track of the number of bottles you’ve had. I love how subtle it is and unlike other water bottles, you don’t have all the ugly text showing the measurements. I’m now on my second one and I take it everywhere.”

– Beth Sanderson, Product Designer

My bike(s)

“I’m a very keen cyclist. Bikes have been my life for probably 30 years. My life revolves around them and most people I know are bike nerds. Cycling is my outlet for exercise, relaxation, fun and socialising. I get so much from it and I would say that it has shaped me as a person. Over the years I’ve had so many bikes. I had seven at one point but I’m now down to four. Being a designer, I also really appreciate the mechanical side of bicycles. There's a lot of technology in them that relates to what we do here.”

– Tim Flood, Product Designer


“Surely the product that is at the top of my list is at the top of everyone else’s in 2021 and that’s your smartphone. There are so many apps and things you can do with it and it’s all in a small device in your back pocket that you take everywhere with you. I don’t carry cash anymore, or a camera or a dictation machine… it’s all there. And I’m sure I don’t use all its functionality either. My daughter says that my smartphone is smarter than me. A bit rude but she’s probably right.”

– Nick Bramley, Business Development

The support of my family

“There are many straightforward things I can’t live without - laptops, Wi-Fi, electricity - but the main thing is not actually a ‘thing’ at all but it is something I can’t live without and that is the support of my family. It may sound cheesy but when you do what I do, you need that support because otherwise what's the point in doing it?”

– Richard Hall, Managing Director